About the Journal
IMT International Journal of the Arts and Sciences (IJOTAS) is a blind/peer-reviewed multidisciplinary international journal. In two versions, electronic and print, the journal primarily seeks to create a window for academics and professionals from a wide-range of disciplines to make public their original researches and strong opinions, for the dissemination of knowledge and the application of same in the overall growth and development of the individual and society in Nigeria and the world at large. Papers are accepted from scholars and professionals in the broad areas of education; arts, language & communication; management, business and financial studies; law, leadership and social sciences; and engineering, health, pure and applied sciences. Hence the journal is an assemblage of knowledge and helps to facilitate greater communication between scholars and professionals from the different walks of life.
Current Issue
It is hoped that the academic community, the professional world, the general reading public and, most especially, the IMT community, shall find the articles herein educating and inspiring and, as a corollary, veritable sources for further inquiries and continuous expansion of knowledge.
Accordingly, you are encouraged to invest by buying and reading this enriching journal of ours.
Thank you!
Professor Austin U. Nweze, PhD [Nig], FCA, FCTI, JP
Rector, Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu, &
General Editor, IMT IJOTAS